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Performing Queries

Components of a Query


This is the meat of any query. The IQueryBuilder represents a fluent interface for designing a valid query URL that can then be used with an ICensusRestClient, or any alternative means, to retrieve data from the Census query endpoints.

IQueryBuilder myQuery = new QueryBuilder()
            .Where("alias.first_lower", SearchModifier.Equals, myOutfitTag.ToLower());

Uri queryEndpoint = myQuery.ConstructEndpoint();


The IQueryBuilderFactory interface, and its default implementation, provide the means to retrieve an IQueryBuilder instance that is preconfigured according to the registered CensusQueryOptions.

As such, it is recommended that you only create instances of an IQueryBuilder through this factory, as you won't have to set your service ID every time and can take advantage of having a default query language and limit.


The ICensusRestClient interface provides functions to perform queries on the Census REST API, and deserialize the response. The default implementation also checks the response for errors and un-nests the actual data, allowing your data model to map exactly to the collection structure.

Making a Query

  1. Begin by injecting an IQueryService instance. This is a wrapper around the most common functions of the IQueryBuilderFactory and ICensusRestClient interfaces that were discussed earlier.

  2. Call the CreateQuery method on the IQueryService instance, and define your query. Usually, it's easiest to build and test your query URL beforehand by making manual calls to the API, and then translate it.

  3. Call the GetAsync method on the IQueryService instance, and pass the query you want to retrieve. Note that the result of this call can be null if you've made a query for a singular item that doesn't exist.

public record CharacterMinified
    ulong CharacterId,
    Name Name,
    FactionDefinition FactionId,
    int PrestigeLevel

public class RestExample
    private readonly ILogger<RestExample> _logger;
    private readonly IQueryService _queryService;

    public RestExample(ILogger<RestExample> logger, IQueryService queryService)
        _logger = logger;
        _queryService = queryService;

    public async Task<CharacterMinified?> GetCharacter(string name)
        IQueryBuilder query = _queryService.CreateQuery()
            .Where("name.first_lower", SearchModifier.Equals, name.ToLower())
            .Show("character_id", "name", "faction_id", "prestige_level");

            CharacterMinified? character = await _queryService.GetAsync<CharacterMinified>(query, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
            if (character is null)
                _logger.LogInformation("That character does not exist.");

            return character;
        catch (Exception ex)
            _logger.LogError(ex, "Failed to retrieve character.");
            return null;


An important distinction to notice when defining queries is that filtering a property is split into two methods. If you'd like to filter a property by a singular value, use the Where method:

query.Where("property", SearchModifier.LessThan, "value")

If you'd like to filter a property by multiple values, use the WhereAll method:

int[] values = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };
query.WhereAll("property", SearchModifier.Equals, values);

Retrieving collection counts

There is a shortcut for the count verb on the ICensusRestClient interface. It accepts either a query, or a raw collection name, and directly returns the Census count value.

ICensusRestClient client = ...;
ulong count = await client.CountAsync("character", ct);

Retrieving distinct field values

There is a shortcut for the c:distinct parameter on the ICensusRestClient interface which directly returns the list of unique values, preventing you from having to define a custom model for the response.

The generic type argument of the method should match the model of the field you are querying.

ICensusRestClient client = ...;
IReadOnlyList<int>? distinctValues = await client.DistinctAsync<int>("item", "max_stack_size", ct);